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Accountancy - Expertise
CyberEx International is a company, member of the French Order of "Experts Comptables"(Chartered Accountants). CyberEx International execute missions in a manner consistent with the professionnal standards. CyberEx International execute  missions of presentation of the accounts when the whole work is done by itselfor missions of examination of the accounts when the work is made by the client except the final touch. CyberEx International has at its disposal tools to model the operation  in order to structure an analytical accountancy.CyberEx International may execute specific missions on demand, ti may extract data from database in order to véerify something or establish statistics...iCCC Cyn ai CCyberEx INternationaln manner consistent with professional

Présentation des comptes :  tenue de la comptabilité, contrôle comptable, établissement du bilan, du compte de résultat, de l'annexe légale, plaquette annuelle, présentation imagée des comptes

Cyber EX
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